Monday, January 20, 2014

Rehab For Ketamine

For many parents, they don't even understand the drugs that their kids might become addicted to. There are so many designer drugs on the market that it is hard to keep up with them all. It seems that every few years a new party drug becomes popular in and all the young people start doing it. Now the craze is over Molly and who knows what it will be next year. This article is about the popular party drug, ketamine. Ketamine also goes by the name special K, K and Vitamin K. It is a drug that is very popular on the party scene and that is where most people come into contact with it.

The high from Ketamine is describe as euphoric. It is a drug that can seem harmless but it does damage to the brain and long term use can cause many health problems. Addiction from these types of drugs isn't classical addiction. Classical addiction is define as an addiction that is physical and requires a person to use the drug or risk illness. The addiction to ketamine is more mental and psychological than anything else. The rehab with this drug is about breaking the mental binds and attachment to this drug and to figure out why the use seeks pleasure in this form.

Although this sounds innocuous, any form of addiction should be handled by an addiction specialist and not by a layman. Family member can be a disservice and their concern can lead to anger and other harmful behavior. It is much better that an impersonal, trained professional administers therapy that a loved one.

If you are someone you know has an addiction to ketamine (vitamin K) or any other drug, please give us a call. We can help you with your addiction.

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