Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Secret Evil Of Pain Killers

Everyone hurts once in a while. It is perfectly natural to feel sore or cramps every now and then. Sometimes our bodies aches get out of control though. This is when its time to go find a physician. They will help you find the right medication to manage your pain.

Something you need to remember about these drugs is that they can be highly addictive. This is why physicians will only keep you on them for a period of time. You do not want to suffer from this type of addiction as it could have deadly consequences.

If you are suffering from an addiction there is help out there. Something that you need to know is that there is no reason to ever have to go through a drug withdrawal alone. This could have deadly consequences. You have no idea how ruff a drug withdrawal is  going to be until you are the one going through it.

These drugs are a serious thing. You should never ask for them unless you really need them. There are plenty of over the counter options that will help you manage your pain if it is not severe.

Have you tried taking a hot shower? Sometimes that's all a sore body needs after a hard day. There are so many ways to manage pain out there. Why not get a massage? This is just another reason to make sure that you only request medication if your pain really can not be managed.

Just remember that everybody hurts, but this does not mean that you have to suffer. If you need something to help make you feel better then I won't judge you. Just make sure that you are aware of what it could do to you. Please listen to the advice of your doctor as well.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Crystal Meth Can Destroy Your Life

There are many drugs that are used so that people can alter their current reality. Few of them are as destructive as methamphetamine, also known as meth, speed and crystal. The substance is white and completely man made. The effects of using it for even a few years can be detrimental to health and brain functioning.

Crystal meth is made in large batches in "labs" which are far from other people. It must be manufactured away from society because the smell emanating from it is horrendous. It involves several chemicals that are very dangerous for people to inhale. Once the product is finished, The white substance is sold in a crystal or powdered form.

Users will buy this chemical concoction and ingest it in one of many ways. When people first start using it, it is likely that they will snort it through a straw or rolled up piece of paper. The lining of the nose will quickly begin to show signs of meth use if the person does it on a regular basis.

Others may choose to smoke the drug, sometimes adding it to a "joint," a marijuana cigarette. Unfortunately, with prolonged use, addicts may end up injecting the drug through an IV needle. All ways of delivery are dangerous.

The person using crystal meth will begin to show signs of it, including grinding their jaws and heightened paranoia. Often, skin breakouts occur that the addict will continually pick at.

The long term effects of using crystal meth are incredibly serious. The reduced brain functioning is often permanent. Additionally, the skin and mouth may have irreparable damage. If you know someone who is using crystal meth, you should try to get help for them immediately. It is a very dangerous and potentially lethal drug to use.

Do You Know Someone Who is In Danger of Destroying their Life with Crystal Meth?
The Dunes Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Can Save Lives from Methamphetamine Addiction:

The Dunes East Hampton
201 Fort Pond Blvd., Suite 1
East Hampton, NY 11937
(888) 963-9234

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Great Tips To Quit Smoking And Live Longer

Quitting smoking is often seen as simply a matter of going cold turkey and tossing your cigarettes in the trash. While doing these things may help you quit, it doesn't have to be quite that difficult. The following article will introduce some very helpful techniques, and the different aids that are available to help you quit smoking for good.

Write down reasons why you should quit to increase the chances that you actually do quit. Writing out the benefits can help to elucidate the advantages of the action you are taking. It can strengthen your motivation to quit, and reduce the difficulty of quitting, by keeping your attention on your desire to quit.

Ensure you go about it one step at a time. It is a big process to quit smoking. Do not even think about the future. Approach quitting on a day-by-day basis. Give yourself credit for every day you succeed, and you might be surprised by how quickly those days turn into weeks.

Speak with a doctor if you are trying to stop smoking but are coming across difficulty. There are prescription medications, including certain antidepressants, that can make the process of quitting more tolerable. Not only will your doctor be able to offer you medicine, they can provide information on support groups and help hotlines that can enhance your ability to succeed in quitting.

If you want to stay away from any weight gain that you will have that is involved with quitting smoking, try eating fruits and vegetables. You will minimize your weight gain when you do this. Eating a healthy diet will give you the strength and stamina that you need to stay focused on your goal.

The above advice should give you a better picture of the options available to you. Expecting that you may never have the urge to light a cigarette after you have made the decision to quit may not be realistic, but you should have an easier time quitting if you keep in mind what you have just read.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

What Is Alcohol Abuse?

There are several different kinds of behavior which could be classified as alcohol abuse - all can be very damaging to both the sufferer and those around them. But what is the difference between enjoying a regular drink and being an alcoholic?

There are four types of behavior which are classified as alcohol abuse. A one off occurrence is not considered a sign of a problem. A diagnosis of addiction, abuse or alcoholism requires the behavior to become a pattern over a period of twelve months. The behaviors are:

* Failure to meet responsibilities (work, school or home), as a result of alcohol consumption.

* Indulging in reckless behavior while drinking, such as driving under the influence.

* Encountering legal issues as a result of drinking, such as being arrested for aggression or assault.

* Continuing with drinking, despite it causing or aggravating relationship problems.

Although not everyone who abuses alcohol is an alcoholic, alcoholism is the most extreme form of the abuse. At this stage, the body has developed a physical dependency on the alcohol. The person may also progressively increase their intake as they become less sensitive to the effects of the alcohol, as they attempt to achieve the same levels of intoxication.

The signs of alcohol abuse are typically easy for a loved one to spot, but it can sometimes be trickier to ascertain if someone you know is an alcoholic. This is because some alcoholics are aware that they have a problem, and will go to great lengths to disguise their behavior. There are many people with alcoholism who appear to live normal, functioning lives - the key is to notice the secretive behavior and subtle personality changes.

If you or someone you know has an alcohol problem, seek professional advice as soon as possible. Severe cases may merit attending an alcohol abuse treatment center.

Have You or a Loved One Been Abusing Alcohol?
Get The Help You Need to Recover from Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

arizona alcohol treatment centers

Friday, November 15, 2013

Intensive Outpatient Programs for Addiction Recovery


 When an individual is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the most successful road to recovery is through attending a drug rehab program, drug addiction counseling, or detoxification and rehab. Not all rehab and recovery programs are the exact same, and the various programs employ a variety of different techniques within the program for successful recovery from addiction. One option to consider when entering into an addiction recovery program is an intensive outpatient program.

You may be more familiar with inpatient addiction treatment rather than outpatient programs. Inpatient programs are residential treatment programs where the recovering addict is living in a facility designed to help addicts stop using the chemicals they are addicted to, detox, and attend counseling in a scheduled term of usually 60 - 90 days. Outpatient treatment programs include all of the same treatment details, but the individual in therapy still lives at home, and simply attends programs throughout the day at the outpatient facility.

Outpatient drug rehab is a very good option for those individuals that want to seek treatment for their addictions, and are looking for away to fit treatment around a work or family schedule. Again, all of the programs and treatment techniques are the exact same as in a residential rehab program, but offers individuals more flexibility with scheduling.

Think Outpatient Therapy Might Be The Best Option For You?

outpatient drug rehab

Friday, November 8, 2013

Ways In Which Marijuana Affects Your Body

Marijuana is often dismissed as something soft-core when it comes to drugs. But this could not be further from the truth. Like any drug, marijuana can lead to addiction, and the smoking of it takes longer to clean from your lungs than cigarette smoke, even though it has less chemicals in it. When you become addicted to something, you become a slave to it financially, physically, and psychologically.

In the United States smoking marijuana is illegal. Some states have licensing for medicinal usage under the strict supervision of a medical doctor, but recreational use is forbidden in all areas of the nation. Penalties vary in each state, with some being far less harsh than others. However, you can expect to have privileges taken away such as your driver's license, or maybe even spend time in jail if caught smoking marijuana. Penalties also vary on how much of the drug you have in your possession, and whether or not it is a first time offense.

Another issue with pot, or marijuana, is that is often considered to be a "gateway drug." This means that when people use it for the first time, it opens their eyes up to the drug world, and they seek out other, more dangerous drugs to use. In a similar way, someone who gets a moped may become interested in motor bikes. If the user is driving in a dangerous manner, it doesn't matter which bike they're on, or how fast they're going. Both bikes can be harmful.

Some people experience strange symptoms when they smoke marijuana. These include but aren't limited to coughing, dry mouth, loss of motor skills, and bloodshot eyes. Hallucinations are almost standard, as are psychotic episodes. Although some claim it is not an addictive, others know that once they start using it, it can be very difficult to quit. So take it from the people who know. It's a lot easier to prevent than to cure.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Effects of Mixing Drugs and Alcohol

Almost all of the drugs, whether prescribed or over the counter, would adversely interact with alcohol. The doctor would normally advise the patient to avoid drinking alcohol during the period of taking the drug. Antibiotics, anti-fungus, antiviral and antidepressants are all reacting with alcohol to give hazardous side effects to the patient consuming alcohol, while taking drugs. Sticking to the doctor's advice would be the best thing that you could do, in order to get the full benefits of a drug.

Antibiotics are usually broken down by the liver and excreted through stools & urine. The time period for retention of the drug in the body will be decided by the doctor, after considering the medical history of the patient. But, alcohol would interact with the antibiotic and extend this retention time in the body. This would actually reduce the effect of the antibiotic on your body. There have been many cases of unwanted side effects reported in patients who took alcohol and drugs together. Dizziness, vomiting, nausea, increase of heart rate, shortness of breath and upset stomach are some of these side effects.

Alcohol would really hamper the healing process in the body by interacting with the antibiotic or any other kind of drug. The overall energy levels will decrease and the body will be more prone to be re-infected with the disease. If you are desperate in consuming alcohol during the medication period, it is better to inform it to your physician. Then, he would be able to advise you on the quantities of alcohol that you should be consuming, in order to minimize the effects that it would have on the prescribed drug. Most of the mouthwashes and some medicines that are being taken for common colds & coughs also consists of alcohol. You should be aware of this too.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Some of the Problems With Cocaine Use

Cocaine is one of the most popular illegal drugs on the black market today. This incredibly addictive substance has several nicknames and is used by people from all demographics. Cocaine use can cause multiple health problems, some of them irreversible. Many users do not realize how addictive cocaine, often called coke or blow, can be until they are caught in the grips of addiction and realize that quitting is not as simple as they had believed it would be.

Cocaine can be consumed in several ways. The most popular is snorting it although a number of people are introduced to smoking it in a marijuana cigarette. In the mind of someone already on marijuana, this may mask the severity of their choice to add cocaine into their system. Often, addicts will search for ways to increase the feeling of getting high from cocaine. Increasing the amount consumed will do that as will switching to the intravenous method. Also, some addicts who do not want visible signs of their use may even choose to add the cocaine to something they are eating or drinking.

Unfortunately, no matter how the substance is ingested, it can have serious consequences for the user. Increased heart rates can lead to serious heart damage and has been responsible for many heart attacks and related deaths. Users also experience paranoia and brain damage. Often these consequences are not irreversible.

If someone has developed an addiction to cocaine, it probably will have a negative impact on their personal and professional relationships. Divorce and unemployment rates are far higher for those addicted to cocaine than the rest of the population. If you or someone you know has developed a cocaine problem, it is a good idea to seek professional help. This way, the entire addiction can be safely treated and, ideally, the addict can regain a normal life.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why You Should Break The Opioid Addiction

People can face different difficulties on matters relating go their bodies. For instance, immense body pain can make someone feel as if they are blacking out, since some levels of pain are unbearable hence the need for treatment using drugs that contain Opioid. This active ingredient in certain drugs has the ability to ease the pain that someone is going through but should only be used when the facing constant unending pain. In as much as Opioids have some medical uses, excessive intake or abuse can have severe negative consequences on any individual, which may include hallucination, vomiting, nausea and constipation just to mention a few.

Opioid and Morphine derivatives have addictive qualities that make someone to get addicted with drugs that contain such pain relieving qualities. In fact, morphine being the second most addictive substance after heroin has the ability to make any user too dependent within a very short time of usage, which makes it important to find alternate ways of fighting addiction otherwise you may start developing serious health complications and having withdrawal symptoms if you stop abruptly. It would therefore be important to go through a structured program if you want to recover from such a drug otherwise you may never fight it yourself.

The body easily gets used to any amount of morphine or Opioid you supply it, which means you may need to keep on increasing your intake to feel good. This may put you into a cycle that you may find hard to sustain, which ultimately may force you to start being involved in illegal activities just to get the drug since you will only be needing more as time goes on.  Since it may be hard to fight this addiction, you may end up facing numerous side effects due to long-term use including muscle pain, drowsiness, restlessness, diarrhea and vomiting. If you are not the unlucky types, you may end up in a coma moments after using such drugs.

Due to the addictive nature of Opioids, you may not hook yourself out of the addiction. You need professional help. It is through the rehab where you can fully recover from such addictions and even find ways you can prevent retake of such drugs in future.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Remaining Free Of Drug Addictions

Turning to rehab ranch is going to be your easiest path forward when you have suffered from many problems as a result of drug addiction. When you continue to use drugs for many years, you can begin to accept this as a way of life. After a while, you will find that stealing from the people you love is something that you do in order to find the means needed to feed your habit. 

Even though you may love those closest to you, there comes a time when you no longer have the ability to do anything that would hinder your ability to get high. Once you have found yourself in this position, you may want to take this as a strong sign that you are in need of help. However, it is important to understand that your addiction does not need to reach this extreme in order to decide that you are over the problems and pain that it has caused. If you know that it is time to get rid of your drug addiction, you may want to consider the touchstone recovery center because they can offer you quick access to the help that you need so badly.

There are many treatment options that are limited in terms of what they can provide in a timely manner. You may find yourself waiting for long periods before you are ever able to get into treatment. During this time, your connection to the drugs would only get stronger. When this happens, you are making things more difficult than they need to be. 

While addiction is hard, it is important that you stand up and address the issue regardless of what you are feeling. While you may be in pain, it will not go away unless you make an effort to correct this problem. The touchstone recovery ranch can help you to begin getting your life in order. Searching for quality drug rehab centers in Fort Worth Texas would be a great way for you to make an informed decision about your treatment. When it comes to addiction, who you lean on for help can make the biggest difference. Get into a great treatment center and increase your chances of getting sober and staying that way.

inpatient detox center

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Dangers Of Huffing

Inhalants are becoming a dangerous common way to get high. Things like household cleaners, school supplies, along with other things are turning dangerous in the hands of the wrong people. As time goes on people are finding more and more ways to get high and do not pay attention to the dangers they are exposing their bodies to.

People are using at a younger age everyday. About 15% of kids are starting out huffing while they are in 8th grade. Scary, huh? Most of these users are unaware of the effects that huffing can do on their bodies. Huffing can do a lot of damage mentally. This can result in long and short term effects.

Things like nausea, vomiting, and unconsciousness are common. Users can also experience liver damage, kidney damage, and hearing loss. Other things like damages to the bone marrow in your body are common. Because users are cutting off oxygen to their brain when they huff they can damage myelin which causes the person to loss balance and coordination and commonly experience spasms in their limbs.  

When a user huffs the chemicals go in their lungs and to their brains. With no ventilation and the direct huffing involved this can lead to sudden death. A users heart can fail them within minutes. Many users that huff will more likely then not experience brain damage.

There are signs that you can watch out for to see if someone you know is addicted to huffing chemicals. A lot of stores now will actually I.D people for things like automobile chemicals, spray paint, and glue. There is also a limit on how many of these things you can purchase at one time. There are many ways to get help if you or someone you know is addicted to huffing. Contact your local rehab for more details.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our Modern Sugar Addiction

What would you guess is the most prevalent addiction in the world today?


Modern society has an out of control addiction to sugar and sweets, and it is starting to show. A record number of individuals around the world are now being diagnosed with serious health conditions, and experts say that it is due to our over-consumption of sugars and sweets. Though the overall diet of Americans is bad -- to say the least -- the increased amounts of sugars "hidden" within the foods we eat every day are creating a very real health crisis.

Take a look at this visual representation of the health numbers related to sugar:

America’s Sugar Addiction: How Our Need for A Sweet Fix Has Expanded Our Waistlines

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dealing With Addiction To Pain Medication

Oxycontin is a narcotic pain reliever. It is prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. This pain killer is prescribed by a doctor and a person should use it carefully and not share it with any person who may have had drug abuse problems. It is very easy for someone to be addicted to this pain medication if they consume the drug for long and a person should seek treatment once they realize that they are over dependent on the drug.

If a doctor has prescribed this pain medication, you should not stop using the drug suddenly as this can lead to withdrawal symptoms that can make a person be addicted to the drugs. It is important that you seek the advice of a doctor on how to stop using the drug. Sometimes however, even after finishing the prescription some people may still want to use the pain medication. This may lead to an addiction where a person depends greatly on the drugs every time they have the slightest pain.

Treating addiction to pain medication is a process that has several phases. The first phase is usually detoxification that is supervised by a medical practitioner. The effects of the detox are severe and they include withdrawal, intense pain and nausea. Sometimes the doctor may administer medication to mitigate the illnesses arising from the withdrawal process.

Behavior modification is the next step of the treatment after a successful detox program. A person is likely to see pain medications and prescriptions in every day life unlike other illegal drugs like cocaine and heroine, thus it is normally harder for a person addicted to oxycontin to effectively get over the addiction. Through group and personal counseling sessions, patients are able to recover from the addiction and have a different view of prescription drugs.

Pain medications like oxycontin are usually prescribed to a person to relieve pain. Sometimes a person may become too dependent on the drug such that they cannot do without it. Being addicted to any drug is dangerous, one should thus seek medical help or a family can carry out an intervention for an addict.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dangerous of Opiates

Opiates are a very common drug of choice. It is becoming easier and easier to find pain relievers now. It seems like hospitals and doctors offices where handing them out left and right. Now medical places have realized what was going on. Opiate dependency is common and just about every rehab will help with drug users that are addicted to pain pills.

Some of the users did not intend on getting hooked on pain pills but ended up doing so because of an injury they had sustained and needed them for. The user becomes so dependent on them that they continue to use even after the pain is gone. You can tell if someone is abusing this type of drug when there usage increase and they have built a tolerance up to it.

Withdrawals from these drugs can be horrendous. Once a user quits using or runs out of their pills they can experience things like cramps, hot and cold chills, tremors, pain, sweating, and a lot of symptoms that mimic the flu. Many suffer from weakness and nausea, and vomiting. There are also mental effects that come into play when a user quits or runs  out.

Things like not wanting to live anymore and attempting suicide is common. Dehydration, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, depression, and cravings. More serious side effects can range from stroke, seizures, heart attack, and dehydration. Withdrawals can range from a couple days to weeks.

It is better for a user to detox under medical supervision in case there are complications during the detox period. If you or someone you know is addicted to opiates get help as soon as possible. Side effects long term and short term can become extremely dangerous. There are many rehab facilities that will take an opiate user into their facility.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Drug Rehab Texas - Touchstone Treatment Center

The touchstone treatment center is one of the known rehabs in Texas. The Texas drug rehab has enabled many people to get back to their feet and begin their life all over again. The drug rehab Texas is a ranch where professionals make use of the equine therapy to help people suffering from addiction.

The center is open to people who suffer from any sort of drug or alcohol addiction. The recovery treatment program offered by the center can last up to ninety days; however, people who show good improvement are released after fifteen to twenty-one days. After the center releases the patient, he is asked to follow certain instructions and he is asked to take up courses following his treatment. This greatly decreases the probability of his developing addiction once again, and he enjoys a full recovery without getting into trouble when he is not under anyone's supervision.

The ranch itself offers an aesthetic environment where one can feel refreshed, the open air, plenty of sunshine, and the greenery revitalizes the patients. The person undergoing equine treatment is made to come in touch with horses; every patient is assigned one horse. The horse is specially trained to serve as a therapy tool, the patient has to look after the animal and cater to his needs, and in the process he relates to the animal and starts developing emotional ties with it. 

The nurturing relationship a man develops with the animal is monitored closely by professionals at the touchstone treatment center, who make a note of the daily progress. The patient is provided with plenty of opportunities to voice himself, this too is an important part of the treatment. He tells his therapist about the way he feels, and what he thinks about the animal he is taking care of; very often he is asked how he feels different from what he was so that he realizes that leading a normal life is much productive and enjoyable than the one where a person becomes dependent on drugs.

touchstone rehab texas