Monday, July 22, 2013

Drug Rehab Texas - Touchstone Treatment Center

The touchstone treatment center is one of the known rehabs in Texas. The Texas drug rehab has enabled many people to get back to their feet and begin their life all over again. The drug rehab Texas is a ranch where professionals make use of the equine therapy to help people suffering from addiction.

The center is open to people who suffer from any sort of drug or alcohol addiction. The recovery treatment program offered by the center can last up to ninety days; however, people who show good improvement are released after fifteen to twenty-one days. After the center releases the patient, he is asked to follow certain instructions and he is asked to take up courses following his treatment. This greatly decreases the probability of his developing addiction once again, and he enjoys a full recovery without getting into trouble when he is not under anyone's supervision.

The ranch itself offers an aesthetic environment where one can feel refreshed, the open air, plenty of sunshine, and the greenery revitalizes the patients. The person undergoing equine treatment is made to come in touch with horses; every patient is assigned one horse. The horse is specially trained to serve as a therapy tool, the patient has to look after the animal and cater to his needs, and in the process he relates to the animal and starts developing emotional ties with it. 

The nurturing relationship a man develops with the animal is monitored closely by professionals at the touchstone treatment center, who make a note of the daily progress. The patient is provided with plenty of opportunities to voice himself, this too is an important part of the treatment. He tells his therapist about the way he feels, and what he thinks about the animal he is taking care of; very often he is asked how he feels different from what he was so that he realizes that leading a normal life is much productive and enjoyable than the one where a person becomes dependent on drugs.

touchstone rehab texas

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why I Would Never Use Heroin

When I was growing up, I never came across anyone that used heroin. There were plenty of drinkers in my family, but no one I knew ever did anything this hard. In fact, I never heard of it until I was about 14. A neighborhood woman gave me a fiction book about a girl that gets hooked on heroin. I read that book so many times because I could not believe that anyone would want to do drugs that could cause them to become sick looking and possibly limbless.

In high school we had a visitor come in and talk to us about the dangers of using heroin. She looked very sad and downtrodden and her clothes didn't fit very well. She told us about how she got hooked on heroin and began to share needles with her husband. He ended up contracting HIV, which he ended up giving to her. If that wasn't enough, she told us about how her veins collapsed in her arm and she ended up having to have it amputated.

I listened to her story as I fought back tears. Most people would say she was weak, but I felt sad. I found it terrible that someone could want a high so bad that they would end up with a deadly disease and a lost limb. I almost passed out when she admitted that she still used on a regular basis. She says she has help from her "friends" since she only has one arm.

I could NEVER imagine myself using heroin or any other drug after hearing her story. Since then I have come across several people that have allowed heroin addiction to take over their lives. I constantly tell myself that a temporary good feeling is not worth all of the negative things that can happen to my life.