Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Painkillers Do More Harm Than Good Sometimes


If you're struggling with a painkiller addiction, know that there is help. Here you'll learn about what to look for in yourself to see if you have an addiction. That way, you're able to tell whether or not it's time for you to get some help.

Realize that you may think that you're getting help from painkillers, but if you're taking them daily you probably have an addiction. Even if you just take them because the doctor said to, if you cannot go without taking them for a while, it's probably because your body has become addicted. Sure, there are people with chronic pain, but there are also those that say they're in pain just to be able to catch a buzz for the day. If you find yourself exaggerating how much pain you're in, it's probably a sign that you're addicted and may need help.

Think about going through the day and what your routine is. Do you wake up and the first thing you think to do is take your painkillers? Do your run out early and spend some time trying to find less legal ways to get the pills you need to function? This could get dangerous for you. The more you take, the less the effect you. Eventually you may find yourself turning to whatever kind of painkillers will get you by. Some people even end up using heroin when they're not able to get their fix. This is why it's a good idea to get help soon.

Once you're aware of what you can do when you're needing help with an addiction to painkillers you can get the assistance you need with getting off of them. Work hard at this and you can get your life back to where it was when you were clean.

Laguna Beach Recovery is a Drug Rehab and Recovery Center That Helps to Treat Those Abusing Painkillers, or Addicted to Prescription Drugs:

 Laguna Beach Recovery
1755 Park Avenue
Laguna Beach , Ca 92651
(888) 632-7135

laguna beach recovery center

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Inhalants Are Not Kids Play


There are many people out there who believe that inhalants are not as bad as other drugs out there. While you may not hear about them on the television or see ads urging people to seek treatment for them, that does not mean they are safe either. The sooner people realize this, the better off they will be.

I have never met anyone on inhalants who truly believes that they are doing anything dangerous. As an adult, I hear people talk about using inhalants when they were younger and they are so blase about it. I am guessing that they believe that this is more socially acceptable, hence the willingness to share their tales of glue-sniffing glory.

Personally, I find nothing remotely interesting about the concept of inhaling anything. I have this underlying fear of all of my brain cells deciding to give up on me and becoming a vegetable. While that may seem a little farfetched, the reality is that using these drugs can kill some of your brains cells, which means that becoming a vegetable is a real possibility.

The sad thing about these types of drugs is the fact that it can be gotten quite easily by anyone who wants to indulge. There is no law that stops you from buying Krazy Glue or picking up a can of whipped cream from the grocery store. Of course this is because no one has no idea that they are being purchased for illicit use. So, when a teenager walks in and buys these items, no bells go off in the heads of most of the clerks.

It is terrible to imagine all of the youth of today having access to these drugs, especially since no one can stop them. This is why you should point out to young people you know that these can be just as dangerous as any other drugs out there. They should do themselves a favor and stay far away.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Conquer Your Addiction To Pain Meds Right Now


When you're dealing with an addiction to pain meds you need to be sure that you get the proper help. Getting off of drugs is tricky, so you have to be aware of what you need to do to succeed at this kind of thing.

Remember that you're going to need to go through withdrawals in most cases of an addiction to pain meds due to the nature of how the drugs work. Your body won't be used to not having them, so you have to make sure you're able to get through this being as comfortable as possible. You will probably feel very sick and will have a craving for more of the meds just to feel better. Don't give into this and know that these feelings are going to go away if you just give them time.

Speak with a treatment center about taking you in for a while so you can get sober and then learn some skills for dealing with life without drugs. There are a lot of ways you can keep clean and have a good life if you're willing to work with the right people. Just know that you shouldn't try to leave the treatment center too early because that could lead you to some issues in the future. Be careful to just work on yourself at this time and allow others to kind of keep their distance until you're ready to speak with them about the matter.

It's a great idea to take into account what you've gone over here so that you're able to deal with your addiction in a better way. If you're willing to quit, then you should have no problem with getting the proper help. You can do it, you just have to try and keep trying.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Illicit Drugs and Their Effects on Teeth


It is well known that drug users often have dental issues that are attributed to their drug use -- meth being the most well-known, as the drug is literally an acid that eats teeth, bone, flesh, and anything else it comes into contact with. However, there are many other illicit drugs that have effects on teeth that are not as widely-known. We will discuss these teeth-destroying drugs in this article:

Tobacco Usage and Tooth Decay

Tobacco is a carcinogen, which means it is a cancer causing product, but it is also laced with literally thousands of other chemicals as well. The chemicals in the caustic smoke stain teeth with yellow tar, but the real damage is done to the gums. Gum disease is very common in smokers, and as the disease progresses -- and the gums recede -- teeth begin to loosen and fall out. While the smoke does not severely damage the tooth itself, a tooth will fall out if there are no gums to hold it in.

Cocaine and Opiate Usage and Tooth Damage

While cocaine does not have a direct, strong affect on teeth themselves, cocaine  and other opiate usage leads to a wide range of dental issues. Cocaine and other opiates leech calcium from the body; without adequate calcium, bones and teeth become brittle and start to chip and break. Add to the brittleness, the affect that cocaine has in making users grind their teeth for hours on end, and users are guaranteed to have dental problems. Additionally, opiates destroy mucus membranes and soft tissues like the septum and gums, which also can lead to sinus and teeth problems.

Severe Addiction and Tooth Loss

One form of tooth loss that is the same across addicts of drugs ranging from alcohol to heroin, is tooth loss and decay due to malnutrition. An alcoholic on a bender will go days without eating, as will a heroin addict, or a meth addict... This lack of eating causes nutritional problems that very quickly lead to tooth loss and decay.

In-short, the use of drugs -- in many of their forms -- adversely affect the health and hygiene of your mouth and teeth. No matter what chemicals you are abusing or experimenting with, they are going to affect your teeth.
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