Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The “Cough Syrup High” using Dextrmethorphan

Robotripping is a method used to obtain a high by swallowing large amounts of cough mixture. The ingredient that causes this high is known as Dextromethorphan. This ingredient is designed to act on suppressing a cough. The mixture is easily available over the counter and is easy to obtain and legal for anyone to use.

Binge or chugging these types of medications is known as a form of dangerous substance abuse. Many abusers have stated that the cold medicines gave them a feeling of being outside of their own bodies as well as hallucinations.

These effects can often progress onto seizures from an overdose.

Below are some interesting facts about robotripping:

  • One out of ten teenagers has tried out robotripping.
  • Many individuals are unaware of the serious risk of damaging ones health when taking Dextrmethorphan in such high doses.
  • Chugging any cough mixtures that contain Dextrmethorphan causes perceptual distortions, hallucinations or out of the body type experiences.
  • Robotripping is a method used to get high on cough or cold medicines, other terms used include: Robo, Special-K, Triple C, Tussin, Skittles and DXM.
  • Dangerous side effects caused from robotripping can include bleeding on the brain, brain seizures, slowed breathing, cardiac arrhythmias, coma and even death.
  • "Tussin" can become highly addictive when used over extended periods.

This method of substance abuse is fairly common in teenagers who are more likely to take risks without thinking about the consequences. In addition teenagers are susceptible to easy persuasion and peer pressure from other classmates. Teenagers are known to medicate themselves in order to cover up anxiety or depression.

Individuals who are addicted to robotripping can seek the necessary help and assistance through the many drug and alcohol rehab facilities located in their areas for a healthier future.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Behaviors of Functioning Alcoholics

There are many misconceptions about alcoholism, especially when it comes to "functioning alcoholics." Though the title says "functioning," these individuals are by-no-means functioning in a healthy or a positive manner, they are simply alcoholics that have not yet hit rock-bottom. The danger of a "functioning alcoholic," is that they are engaging in much of the risky behavior that regular alcoholics engage in, including binge-drinking, blackout drinking, drinking and driving, and consuming dangerous amounts of alcohol.

Here are some of the behaviors that functioning alcoholics often engage in:

Daytime Drinking

This is not getting together with a few friends for a glass of wine at lunch, this is hardcore drinking during the daytime, often starting within minutes of first waking up. This includes drinking before work (in order to keep Blood Alcohol Levels up throughout the day), or even drinking from wake to sleep on weekends.

Drinking and Driving

A functioning alcoholic is called that because even though they are a full alcoholic, they still are usually getting their daily duties accomplished. The dangerous part of this, is that they are usually heavily intoxicated while getting those daily duties accomplished, this often includes driving while drunk.

Drinking Until Passing Out

For severe alcoholics (functioning alcoholics included), it is very difficult to fall asleep naturally and enter into a healthy REM state of dreaming -- the state in-which you get most of your rest throughout the night. Instead of entering into a natural sleep state, alcoholics will usually simply drink until they blackout and pass out. This is not a natural sleep, and the brain is not entering its natural sleep mode. This means the individual is not gaining any benefits from the sleep, and the "pass out time" usually only lasts a few hours. Alcoholics that wake up after only a few hours of "sleep," will usually continue drinking until they pass out again.

Severe Alcoholism and Functioning Alcoholism Can Be Treated:

The Dunes East Hampton
201 Fort Pond Blvd., Suite 1
East Hampton, NY 11937

The Dunes East Hampton