Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What To Do If Your Friend Is Addicted To Speed

Speed, Amphetamines and uppers are all the same type of drug and can easily be abused. A lot of times people will take them so that they can stay awake to study or get more done. A lot of students fall victim to taking them and getting addicted.

If you know someone who could be using this type of drug, you should talk to them about it. It just isn't safe and the benefits do not outweigh the risks of using it. They might get more done by using it but they are really hurting themselves by doing so.

By taking these drugs they are tricking their bodies into thinking they don't need certain types of nutrients. The reality is, your body always needs to be hydrated and resting. By not giving your body what it needs you could be in danger.

Ask for Help

When talking to a friend about it, make sure you bring it up in such a way that you won't scare them off. Share your concern and ask if they need help. If they ask, help them find a place to go so that they can get clean.

Speed can really make a person act differently than they normally would. If you know someone who is acting odd, see if that could be the reason. It might not be but if it is you might be able to help them get better.

Remember that in some cases the person using the drugs is not going to want to get help. Sometimes you do have to let them be and walk away. That is a hard thing to do when a friend is in trouble but sometimes it is the only way. Try your best to be as supportive as you can.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Addiction To Pain Meds Is A Serious Problem


People who get addicted to pain meds often have no deliberate intention to do so. What usually happens is that they are given a prescription like oxycodone HCL or hydrocodone for pain management of a legitimate health problem. The pain may have been so severe that the person decided to take a bigger dose and more frequently. The body builds up a tolerance for this drug, and the person ends up needing to take a bigger and bigger dose just to get the pain relief that he wants. Before you know it, he becomes addicted to the drug because not taking it makes his body feel terrible.

This can happen to anyone who is not carefully monitoring the pain meds that he is taking. This person may be a neighbor, a friend or a relative. It is hard to tell if someone has a drug addiction problem because on the outside, the person can appear to be a perfect, responsible citizen. It is when the person craves the drug and cannot get it that the ugly side may appear.

If you suspect someone whom you care about has a addiction problem to pain meds, do not just turn the other way. Try to talk to the person about it, without making any accusations. The last thing you want to do is make a person feel ashamed. What he needs is support rather than a lecture on the health hazards of drug abuse.

The desire for rehab must come from within the person himself. You cannot make up his mind for him. He has to first acknowledge that he has a problem, then make a conscious commitment to go through the rehab program.

Addiction to pain meds can lead to fatal consequences. If someone whom you care about has a problem, find help for him right away.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

LSD or "Acid" Is An Extremely Dangerous Mind-Altering Drug

When people take LSD, they are looking for that mind-altering experience; however, they are expecting it to be temporary. Often, it can be, but just one bad trip can lead to changes in the mind that never change back. This is not good, as it can lead to all kinds of consequences.

Furthermore, the more bad trips a person has, the more devastating consequences to the brain. A person that uses LSD often is likely to experience many bad trips over a long period of time. Therefore, you should be able to see why LSD or "acid" is a very dangerous drug. Substance abuse with acid can be very dangerous, especially considering there is no going back once the mind is permanently altered.

Just like with other drugs, people experiment with acid for its hallucinogenic effects, and they never think about the consequences. They think it won't happen to them. In fact, it happens to many people who continue using the drug, and it can even happen the first time. It is a very powerful substance.

LSD was very popular during the 1960's, and it has always been on the streets. While it may not be the drug of choice these days, it is still quite popular, especially among young teens who are experimenting with drugs. Of course, this demographic is not known for thinking of the consequences before they do something.

If you know that a person is taking LSD, you need to tell someone. The person needs help so that they do not fall victim to this drug. While LSD isn't addictive, people love to regularly take it because they never think that it will affect them the way it has affected so many other people. Do not let this happen to you or someone you know.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What To Do When Your Spouse Is Addicted To Cocaine

If your spouse is addicted to cocaine, you are probably wondering what to do about it. It can be a stressful thing to have to deal with. You might be unsure of what you should be doing to help them.

The first thing you want to do is make sure they no longer have access to all of your money. You don't want them using it all on drugs. You want to make sure you can protect it until they agree not to buy drugs anymore.

You also want to try to get them help. They might not want to go and will resist you. If this is the case you would want to bring in other family members to help.

For some people all it takes is knowing that their loved ones think they have an issue. They realize that they mean business and will work to get the help they need. In other cases they just won't listen to anyone.

If there addiction becomes very serious, you might have to call in law enforcement. If you have to get them to a treatment center against their will, it might be what you have to do. This becomes tricky with those who just refuse to get help.

Try to be patient as they will not be able to clean up overnight. It will take a lot of time to get them clean again and they will need your support. They will need you to stand by them.

If you can, try to make sure any children in the house are not exposed to what is going on, especially if they are very young. It would not be good for them to see their parent on drugs or going through serious withdrawals.