Friday, February 20, 2015

Nembutal And Seconal Addictions - Treatment Options For You To Consider

Let's say that you would like to stop using barbiturates, particularly drugs like phenobarbital, nembutal, and seconal. These are often prescribed by people that are not working very well with benzodiazepines like Xanax, and need something a little different. You can become very addicted to these drugs, more so than benzodiazepines, and if you want to stop using them this year, these treatment options will help you with your addiction to barbiturates like amytal using the following suggestions.

What Barbiturates Do To You

These drugs were actually prescribed as a sedative hypnotic to help people that were not able to fall asleep. They are able to sedate your central nervous system, allowing you to deal with problems like anxiety and depression. They can help you sleep, and deal with your anxiety, but they also are very addicting. People may not be able to function without them because they need the sedating effects that only barbiturates can provide.

Stopping Your Addiction to Barbiturates

What you will need to do is find someone in your area that specializes in helping people with barbiturate addictions. It doesn't matter what type of medication that you are on because they all do essentially the same thing. You might want to switch over to something like benzodiazepines instead which are less addicting in general. Your doctor will be able to switch your prescription which will be able to help you, or you can go to a rehabilitation center to get personal one-on-one help so that you can stop using barbiturates right away.

If your goal is to be barbiturate free by the end of the year, you can probably do this on your own. If your doctor can prescribe a different medication that can sedate your central nervous system, or that can help you sleep, you might be able to stop using them without a rehab center, but the choice is always up to you.

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