Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Truth Behind DXM Abuse

One of the most abused drugs by teenagers in America is DXM. The drug DXM is commonly found in many popular brands of cold and flu medicines such as Theraflu. Many of these teenagers are ignorant towards the many consequences that may come about through constant use of DXM. DXM addiction is very real and can potentially ruin the lives of those who are addicted. This article will go through the ins and outs of the truth about DXM abuse.

DXM is a very dangerous drug, it is a dissociative substance that also has hallucinogenic properties. High doses of DXM have effects that are very similar to that of a high dosage LSD trip. Many teens seem to enjoy the high that DXM gives due to the altered state of consequence which allows them to escape from the stresses and anxieties that come with the teenage stage of life. In addition, DXM is very easy to obtain due to the fact that cold and flu medicines are legal.

This is where the dangerous aspects of DXM abuse arise. DXM is extracted by getting large amounts of cold and flu syrups or pills and applying filtration or extraction techniques on them. Most of the time, these extraction and filtration techniques can be successfully done to extract a relatively pure amount of DXM. However, if there is a mishap in these techniques, potentially fatal consequences can arise. Many of these cold and flu medicines contain other substances which can be potentially very dangerous and fatal if they are taken in high doses. Hence DXM that hasn’t be properly extracted can cause a very painful death for someone who decides to take it.

Of course, there are also lots of other horrible dangers that come with the abuse of DXM such as permanent brain damage. Anyone who abuses DXM should definitely try and stop their addiction before it is too late.

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